Walton Pistol and Rifle Club
The Walton Pistol and Rifle Club has a 5 position 50’ indoor range with turning targets for Conventional Bullseye Pistol Competition, also retrieving targets for 10 meter Air Pistol and 50’ Free Pistol completion. We have four members with NRA safety and instructor certifications. One has Certified Home Firearms Safety Instructor, Certified Pistol Instructor, Certified Personal Protection in the Home Instructor and Certified Chief Range Safety Officer Instructor. One is Certified for Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol NRA Courses. Two more members have their NRA Range Safety Officers certifications.

The Walton Pistol and Rifle Club is a member of the Central Empire State Rifle & Pistol League. The League consists of six Teams centered around the communities of Delhi, Oneonta, Rockdale, Sidney, Stamford-Richmondville and Walton.

Each year the League promotes marksmanship by coordinating a 20 match indoor bullseye pistol (conventional pistol) season from October through March. On Friday nights these matches are fired one-handed at indoor 50 foot ranges and following the National Match Course of fire.
The NMC course consists of:

· Slow Fire - 10 shots in 10 minutes
(NRA B-2 Target)

· Timed Fire - two 5 shot strings in 20 seconds (NRA B-3 Target)

· Rapid Fire - two 5 shot strings in 10 seconds (NRA B-3 Target)

Handguns used for competition are 22 caliber rimfires. The overwhelming majority of shooters choose a semi-automatic pistol for competition. A score of 300-20x would represent a perfect individual score.

Walton has a juniors program that is for girls and boys age 12 thru 20. We currently have 18 active junior member that shot on Wednesday night's from the first week in October thru mid March. The junior’s shot the same National Match Course of fire as the adult league.

The junior’s program is to get the girl’s and boy’s age 12 thru 20 involve in the sport. To teach them the
safe and proper way to handle and fire firearms an, have fun and a feeling of accomplishment. The 12
thru 15 age group are allowed to use two hands while the 16 thru 20 age group must shoot one handed.
The junior’s shoot the Conventional Bullseye pistol course of fire, which consists of 30 shots fired for a
possible score of 300, 20 x. the course of fire is 10 shots slow fire, which is 10 shots fired in 10 minutes.  10 shots timed fire, which is two 5 shot strings fired in 20 seconds each. 10 shots rapid fire, which is two 5 shot strings fire in 10 seconds each.

We have incorporated the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program for the junior shooters. This program emphasizes marksmanship with an immediate awards program as each level of
marksmanship is achieved.

In order to achieve the different levels of this program the shooter must shot the following scores for each
rating. The scores fired to meet one level do not count for the next level.

Pro-Marksman 120 or better 2 times

Marksman 150 or better 3 times

Marksman 1 st Class 200 or better 6 times

Sharpshooter 225 or better 8 times

Expert 250 or better 8 times

Distinguished Expert 269 or better
10 times or 258 or better in two
NRA sanctioned pistol competitions.

Walton has three members along with on shooter from the Sidney club that joined the New York State International Pistol Postal League this year. This league is a two gun league, with Free Pistol match's being fired on the second Thursday of each month and Air Pistol match's on the third Thursday of each month. The league consists of eight teams throughout New York State Rochester, Binghamton, Fingerlakes, Albany, Syracuse, Freeport, Southampton and Walton.

The Free pistol course consists of 60 shots fired in 1-1/2 hours on six targets of ten shots per target.

The Air pistol course consists of 60 shots fired in 1-1/4 hours on 12 targets of five shots per target. We shoot Air and Free Pistol on Thursday nights.